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Business Solutions

Get the most out of your employees by helping to make financial security a reality for them. Our workplace solutions make it easier to pay unbanked staff, and offers special benefits and support to get them into the banking system

Some of the benefits


Enjoy banking services and consultants at the Workplace when the need arises.

Tailor- made

Access tailor-made solutions for your business and employees

Work place banking

Give your staff one-on-one, professional help so they can achieve their financial goals


Enjoy a one stop shop for all your employees banking solutions


Enjoy banking services and consultants at the Workplace when the need arises.

Tailor- made

Access tailor-made solutions for your business and employees

Work place banking

Give your staff one-on-one, professional help so they can achieve their financial goals


Enjoy a one stop shop for all your employees banking solutions
Africa China
Africa China Agent Proposition

Looking for an unrivalled competitive advantage when trading with China as an African business, or with Africa as a Chinese business? We have formed a formidable partnership to link you to export and import opportunities offered by the African and Chinese economies.

Stanbic Incubator Hub

We have set up an Incubator/ Innovation hub in Harare which is designed with the goal of empowering, nurturing entrepreneurship and innovativeness in SMEs.

Employee Value Banking
Employee Value Banking

The unit proposition seeks to cement the relationships your organisation has at cooperate level with various key employers. The thrust is to leverage on these relationships such that we provide tailor made financial solutions for your employees

Financial Planning
Financial Planning

Financial planning is a process of setting and assessing your financial goals through strategies. This is through extensive, deep understanding and estimation of one’s current financial state.

We also offer
Contractors All Risks

Covers all risks normally associated with a construction project. Useful for contractors, builders, plumbers, and electricians who might find themselves working on a construction site.

Fidelity Guarantee

This policy is designed to reimburse you for financial loss resulting from the infidelity of your employees.